This June Wavefarm Productions completed work on a 6 month recording and post-production project with Dublin Jazz band, Nova Collective.
Recorded in Windmill Lane studios, Dublin in February 2013 by Kevin Brennan (Wavefarm Productions) and Gareth Smyth the E.P has been in the pre-production stages (mixing ,mastering, etc) with Wavefarm Productions for the past two months leading up to Nova Collective’s launch gig at the Beteco Brazil wine bar on Ormonde Quay, Dublin on July 5th.
Mixed by Wavefarm’s Kevin Brennan during May/June 2013, Louis Ryan (Nova Collective) and Kev worked tirelessly to mix the studio recordings of tracks ‘Bossa Nova Underground’, ‘In 5′ and’ Talk’, which were tracked live to maintain the performance feel.
Once the final alterations where finished, the mixes were sent onto Wavefarm’s Stephen White for mastering in late June, before being handed the finished masters.
For the finished recordings and accompanying videos click below.